At Tactical Select, we pride ourselves on delivering the latest tactical gear reviews and ratings. On this website you can find our detailed reviews on the latest tactical backpacks, tactical knives, tactical gloves, tactical lights and various other categories of tactical products.
Our mission is to provide you with the unbiased facts as well as our honest opinions and insights on the products we review. Under no circumstances will Tactical Select accept compensation, monetary or otherwise, to influence the content of our reviews.
Please keep in mind that this website is a work in progress. We both have full time jobs so Tactical Select is still just a side project for us. That said, we are always updating and improving the content to make the site even better, so check back regularly for exciting new tactical reviews and articles!
Who are we?

We are Joe and Nick, longtime friends and tactical gear enthusiasts from Northern California. We grew up with the Sierras in our backyard and Lake Tahoe just a short drive away.
As childhood friends winters were spent on the slopes in the regions numerous ski resorts and summers were spent hiking the backwoods of this dangerous and unforgiving terrain. Our addiction to the outdoors led us to develop a need and appreciation of high-quality gear that would perform in dire situations.
We also both have friends and family members who serve in our armed forces, and not surprisingly we both share a great amount of admiration for members of the military.

We feel very blessed and fortunate to help so many of these people choose the best tactical products that will keep them safe and coming home to their families. These great people are responsible for protecting the best country in the world, and we are honored to help them in any way we can!
We initially developed Tactical Select in 2012, hoping to create a first in class tactical eCommerce business. However, we realized soon after that our true passion was testing, evaluating and reviewing tactical gear, rather than selling it.
Since that defining realization, we have worked tirelessly to bring you tactical gear reviews from the leading tactical brands like 5.11 Tactical, Blackhawk, Gerber, Kabar, Under Armour and many more.
If you would like to get in touch with us, send an email to tacselect [at] gmail.com
How can I support our veterans?
As mentioned, we are both extremely grateful for members of the US Armed forces keeping our country safe all around the world. If you are interested in helping our veterans than we highly recommend you consider donating to Soldiers’ Angels.
This amazing organization has pledged more than 100,000 care packages to our service members deployed throughout the world, defending us and protecting our freedom. They also have a well regarded veteran support program which supports our heroes as they make their way home.
This vital program assists veterans through a variety of different programs, including providing assistance at VA Hospitals across the country. As deployments continue to drawdown and service members return home, this program is going to become all the more important and need your support even more.
Please note we are not affiliated in anyway with this organization. We just really believe in what they are doing and we want to let members of the armed forces know that they are remembered, supported, and that we are grateful for their service!
How can I support law enforcement?
While the military keep us safe overseas, the men in blue put their lives on the line every day keeping us safe here at home. If you are interested in supporting members of our law enforcement then we recommend making a donation to the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.
This group administers the Police Family Survivors Fund, a nationwide program to help the families of officers killed in the line of duty. Today more than 12,380 grieving spouses, children and other family members are able to access crucial family support services provided by the program. This includes emergency financial assistance to help a surviving family pay rent, buy groceries or meet other expenses during the difficult days following the loss of their officer.
With statistics showing that an officer is lost an average of every 57 hours in our country, the need to help the families left behind is always growing. Again, we are not affiliated with this organization but we hope you will find it in your heart to support the brave men and women this organization helps.